Rol of thallium-201/gallium-67 cerebral tomogammography in the differential diagnosis of cerebral space occupying lesions
Correspondencia: Dr. Raúl Martínez-Lázaro. Calatorao, 8, 9A. E-50009 Zaragoza.
Introduction: Central nervous system (CNS) neoplasms are 10% of all tumors. A metastasis of an unknown primary neoplasm should be suspected in an adult with a cerebral tumor. In this location, the origin of most of metastases (62%) is lung, breast, skin and kidney. However, a differentiation of CNS focal infection and brain tumor, based on clinical status and morphologic imaging, may be difficult. A positive Tl-201 next to a negative Ga-67 SPECT brain scans is entirely in accord with brain metastatic tumor.
Clinical case: A 72-year-old man, with history of excised bladder cancer, was admitted for neurological symptoms associated with a left occipital mass demonstrated by cranial CT and brain MRI. Clinicoradiological findings suggested a neoplastic process. Two cerebral biopsies just showed inflammatory cells. Tl-201 and Ga-67 SPECT brain scans were performed and their findings, an abnormal uptake of Tl-201 in the left occipital cortex and a negative Ga-67 scan, favored a neoplastic process. Radical exeresis of the lesion showed a metastatic adenosquamous carcinoma of probably lung origin.
Conclusion: Tl-201 in addition to Ga-67 brain SPECT scans are a valuable tool for differential diagnosis between cerebral infection and brain tumour in patients with a sole cerebral mass lesion, especially when clinicoradiological findings and biopsy results are conflicting.
Caso clínico Varón de 72 años, con historia de exéresis de cáncer vesical, que ingresa por síntomas neurológicos asociados a masa occipital izquierda demostrada mediante TAC y RM cerebrales. Los hallazgos clinicorradiológicos sugerían la existencia de un proceso neoplásico. Dos biopsias cerebrales mostraban únicamente células inflamatorias. La SPECT cerebral Tl-201/Ga-67 mostró un acúmulo anormal de Tl-201 en la corteza occipital izquierda y completa ausencia de captación cerebral de Ga-67, hallazgos compatibles con proceso neoplásico. Tras exéresis radical de la lesión, se comprobó que correspondía a un carcinoma adenoescamoso probablemente de origen pulmonar.
Conclusión En pacientes con una única lesión cerebral ocupante de espacio, la SPECT cerebral con Tl-201/Ga-67 es una herramienta valiosa para el diagnóstico diferencial entre infección y tumor cerebral, especialmente cuando los hallazgos clinicorradiológicos y biópsicos son contradictorios