
Neuropediatrician of the 21st century and the neurosciences

A. Legido [REV NEUROL 2008;47 (Supl. 1):S97-S104] PMID: 18767020 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 47 | Number S01 | Nº of views of the article 6.614 | Nº of PDF downloads 675 | Article publication date 02/09/2008
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
AIM To describe the training process of the neuropediatrician in the 21st century in accordance with the clinical and scientific characteristics required by society at a time when there is an explosion of knowledge in neurosciences. DEVELOPMENT. The neuropediatrician of the 21st century, knowing the lack of future professionals, must stimulate neuroscientific vocations, starting in middle school and participating as early as possible in the teaching of medical students. During the fellowship, the neuropediatrician must continue the same encouraging attitude, getting the future colleague ready to face the professional requirements. In addition, he must teach the principles that will allow the future neuropediatrician to excel: critical thinking, evidence based medicine and continuing medical education. The certified professional neuropediatrician must exercise the same principles. Aware of the complexity of maintaining up to date medical knowledge, he/she must identify review courses and seminars. Also, he/she has to get accustomed to frequently use the Internet, the best means of self-education available to the neuropediatrician. The Spanish Pediatric Neurology Society and the Spanish Neurology Society should consider the possibility of reviewing the materials and methods used to train neuropediatricians in the US, with the goal of considering if any of them could be implemented in Spain. CONCLUSION. The neuropediatrician of the 21st century has the responsibility of his/her own continuing medical education, both clinical and neuroscientific. Moreover, he/she has the obligation of sharing this information with other colleagues and use it to stimulate future neuropediatricians and subspecialized neuropediatricians. Finally, he/she has the responsibility of establishing a productive interaction with the government and politicians in order to facilitate attaining the objectives of pediatric neurology. Keywords21st centuryLongterm self learnerMedical schoolMiddle schoolNeuropediatricianNeurosciences CategoriesNeurociencia básica
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