Factorial structure of the dysexecutive questionnaire in a sample of the Spanish population with acquired brain injury and memory deficit complaints
*Correspondencia: Dr. Javier Tirapu Ustárroz. Servicio de Neuropsicología. Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra. Clínica Ubarmin. Fundación Argibide. Elcano, s/n. E-31486 Elcano (Navarra).
E-mail: jtirapuu@cfnavarra.es
Introduction and aims: The dysexecutive questionnaire (DEX) has been used to study executive deficits in both clinical samples (both psychiatric and neurological) and non-clinical samples, although agreement on its factorial structure is lacking. The aim of this research is to study that structure in the self-administered version in a sample of the Spanish population with acquired brain injury and memory loss complaints, and to compare that solution with those obtained in other studies.
Patients and methods: The questionnaire was administered to 119 subjects with acquired brain injury with different aetiologies (traumatic, vascular, tumours, multiple sclerosis, toxic-metabolic and others).
Results: The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.88. All the items showed adequate discriminatory power, except item 15. No relation was found between the total score on the DEX and the age, gender and time elapsed since the injury. A negative correlation between total score and level of schooling was confirmed. The total score does not follow a normal distribution. The five-factor solution accounts for a higher percentage of the total variance than those of two, three and four factors (63.76%).
Conclusions: The Spanish version of the DEX is an instrument that is valid for evaluating general dysexecutive symptoms in subjects with acquired brain injury. The five-factor factorial structure (planning, cognitive control, inhibition, social awareness and impulse control) offers a greater wealth of information because it measures more aspects of the dys-executive pathology and therefore appears to be more useful in the clinical setting. It is advisable to use the questionnaire in an early stage of evaluation or screening and to use it as a complement to the proxy-reported version.
Pacientes y métodos Se administró el cuestionario a 119 sujetos con daño cerebral adquirido de diferente etiología (traumática, vascular, tumoral, esclerosis múltiple, tóxico-metabólica y otras).
Resultados El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,88. Todos los ítems muestran una adecuada capacidad discriminativa salvo el ítem 15. No se encuentra relación entre la puntuación total en el DEX y la edad, el sexo y el tiempo transcurrido desde la lesión. Se confirma una correlación negativa entre la puntuación total y el nivel de estudios alcanzado. La puntuación total no sigue una distribución normal. La solución de cinco factores explica mayor porcentaje de la varianza total que las de dos, tres y cuatro factores (63,76%).
Conclusiones La versión española del DEX es un instrumento válido para evaluar síntomas disejecutivos generales en sujetos con daño cerebral adquirido. La estructura factorial de cinco factores (planificación, control cognitivo, inhibición, conciencia social y control de impulsos) aporta una mayor riqueza al medir más aspectos de la patología disejecutiva, y por ello parece más útil en el ámbito clínico. Se aconseja la utilización del cuestionario en una fase de evaluación inicial o de cribado y de forma complementaria a la versión heteroinformada.