Volume 67 Issue 2 2018 - (July 2018)
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- Review
Review of the novelties from the 2017 ECTRIMS Congress, presented at the 10th Post-ECTRIMS Meeting (II)
Revisión de las novedades del Congreso ECTRIMS 2017, presentadas en la X Reunión Post-ECTRIMS (II)O Fernandez, M Tintore, A Saiz, M C Calles-Hernandez, ... A Rodriguez-AntiguedadRev Neurol 2018, 67(2), 50 - Neuroimaging
Bilateral vitreous haemorrhage associated with pontomesencephalic haemorrhage: an extreme case of Terson syndrome
Hemorragia vítrea bilateral asociada a hemorragia pontomesencefálica: un caso extremo de síndrome de TersonM Puente-Hernandez, J M Pias-Peleteiro, A Lopez-TrabaRev Neurol 2018, 67(2), 71 - Original Article
Functional connectivity derived from an electroencephalogram during non-REM sleep in autism spectrum disorders
Conectividad funcional derivada del electroencefalograma durante el sueño no REM en los trastornos del espectro autistaS Berrillo-Batista, L M Morales-Chacon, M M Baez-Martin, L Gomez-Fernandez, ... L Perez-MayoRev Neurol 2018, 67(2), 41 - History and Humanities
Muscular dystrophies in literature, cinema and television
Las distrofias musculares en la literatura, el cine y la televisiónS Collado-Vazquez, J M CarrilloRev Neurol 2018, 67(2), 63 - Correspondence
Pisa syndrome associated with codeine
Síndrome de Pisa asociado a codeínaP S Sosa, P E Colla-Machado, E CristianoRev Neurol 2018, 67(2), 73