Nota Clínica

Hourglass retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma

D. Chillón-Medina, S. Nieto-Llanos, P. Martínez-Flórez, M. Escosa-Bagé [REV NEUROL 2002;35:650-655] PMID: 12389152 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 35 | Number 07 | Nº of views of the article 8.472 | Nº of PDF downloads 156 | Article publication date 01/10/2002
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION Ganglioneuromas are neuroblastic tumours with a higher degree of histological differentiation and clinical benignity. They are well-defined, encapsulated tumours that are made up of mature ganglionar cells. They are located mainly in the sympathetic ganglia of the mediastinum and the retroperitoneum. In this latter place they can be very large and even penetrate through the intervertebral foramen in the spinal canal in the shape of an hourglass and produce medullar compression. They are tumours that are produced in childhood or infancy.

CASE REPORT In the course of the diagnosis of an acute digestive haemorrhage in a 29-year-old female patient, an abdominal computerised axial tomography (CAT) scan revealed, by chance, an abdominal retroperitoneal tumour that had introduced itself into the spinal canal in the shape of an hourglass. The patient had had lumbar pain that irradiated to the anterior side of the abdomen although up to that moment it was not considered very important. From the CAT scan and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar region a large, solid tumour was detected which protruded out in the shape of an hourglass from the vertebral canal at the point between L2 and L3. The patient was submitted to a surgical intervention in two stages and the tumour was removed. Because it was highly vascularised, hours before the intervention an arterial embolization of the tumour was performed in order to limit surgical bleeding.

CONCLUSIONS Due to the unspecific and late symptomatology of ganglioneuromas, we maintained the therapeutical criterion of carrying out a biopsy puncture, as well as a follow-up and control if the histological study did not show up any kind of malignity. Because of the possibility of this kind of tumour becoming malign and the fact that there is little chance of guaranteeing a correct diagnosis by means of biopsy puncture, extirpation should be carried out as completely and early as possible
KeywordsHourglass vertebral tumoursMagnetic resonance imagingNeuroblastic tumoursRetroperitoneal tumours CategoriesCáncer y tumores
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